Events Founder

Discover, create, and celebrate — all your events in one place.

Key Features

Feature 1: Event Creation

Users can create their own events, setting details like location, time, and description.

Event Creation Feature

Feature 2: Real-time Event Updates

Any changes made to events are updated in real-time across all devices, ensuring that attendees always have the latest information.

Event Real Time Updates

Feature 3: User Authentication

Users can sign in to manage events securely, ensuring they can only edit or delete their own events.

User Authentication

About the Project

Inspired by the transformative education model of ALX, an online school dedicated to empowering African youth with cutting-edge tech skills, Events Founder emerged as a practical tool to enhance community interaction. Our platform not only simplifies event management but also fosters a sense of community among ALX students and alumni, encouraging continuous learning and networking.

This project is a culmination of our experiences as software engineering students at ALX, reflecting our passion for technology and our commitment to solving real-world problems.


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